About us


TERRA Mileniul III is a non-governmental, nonprofit and apolitical environmental protection organization that develops programs at national and European level. The organization was established in 1998 and is registered in the Register of Associations and Foundations with no. 1/2004.


TERRA Mileniul III’s mission is to develop awareness programs on the causes and effects of climate change and to promote sustainable development solutions.

We are working to improve public policies in this sector and to help people adapt to the effects of climate change.

Specifically, TERRA III activities aim to shift from fossil fuels and nuclear energy to energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, from transport to sustainable and non-polluting transport, from unsustainable products and consumption to new technologies and environmentally friendly products .

Such measures encourage the transition of the Romanian economy into a new stage of sustainability and provide the guarantee of a cleaner and healthier environment.

In parallel, the organization continues to successfully educate children and adults on topics related to climate change and sustainable development.

Group of volunteers planting new trees
“It is our collective and individual responsibility … to preserve and tend to the world in which we all live.”
Dalai Lama


Lavinia Andrei

Lavinia este liderul Fundatiei si expert in schimbari climatice. A absolvit sectia de Energetica Industriala din cadrul Facultatii de Energetica ...

Liliana Nichita

Manager de proiect & Trainer
Liliana este inginer chimist la baza dar are o experienta vasta in legislatia nationala in domeniul protectiei mediului, rezultatul celor ...

Florina Voicu

Coordonator Proiect
Florina este absolventa a Facultatii de Limbi si Literaturi Straine din cadrul Universitatii “Spiru Haret”. Desi este licentiata in filologie, ...

Adrian Badila

Coordonator proiect
Adrian este inginer de electrotehnică (Universitatea Politehnică București) și a absolvit programul de Master în Administrație Publică (Universitatea București, Facultatea ...

Liliana Nichita

Manager de proiect & Trainer
Liliana este inginer chimist la baza dar are o experienta vasta in legislatia nationala in domeniul protectiei mediului, rezultatul celor ...

Florina Voicu

Coordonator Proiect
Florina este absolventa a Facultatii de Limbi si Literaturi Straine din cadrul Universitatii “Spiru Haret”. Desi este licentiata in filologie, ...

Parteneri și finanțatori