
Scrisoare deschisa catre premierul chinez Li Keqiang





November 25th, 2013

Dear Prime Minister Li Keqiang,



We would like to welcome you to Bucharest and wish you fruitful discussions with the leaders of Central and Eastern European countries. We’ve learnt last week that the Romanian Government has approved a number of Memorandums of Understanding to sign with the People’s Republic of China, some of which give rise to strong concerns. We’re referring to the documents regarding the construction of two reactors at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant, the Tarnita-Lapustesti hydro pumped storage plant, the Rovinari lignite fired power plant and investments at the Mintia-Deva coal fired power plant.

We argue that Romania must phase-out the extended use of fossil fuels and concentrate its resources on the transformation to an energy-efficient, low carbon, sustainable renewables[1]-based economy. The current context can only be helpful in this direction, as we currently have a net installed dispatchable capacity of 17,598 MW, while the system load is generally between 7 and 8,000 MW. Considering this opportunity, as well as what some may see a challenge – that of meeting stricter environmental standards (e.g. those set by the European Union’s Industrial Emissions Directive) – it is imperative to speed up efforts to increase energy efficiency, connect our electricity system with that of neighboring countries so as to exchange renewable energy, and design alternative development paths for our coal mining regions.

Nuclear power is not part of the solution to address climate change. It is an expensive technology that diverts much-needed funds from energy efficiency, sustainable renewable energy and a more decentralized energy system that are the key elements for a low carbon economy. While no proven solutions exist to deal with radioactive waste, the Fukushima disaster should also stand as a stark reminder that nuclear power is by no means cheap, safe and clean.

The construction of the 3rd and 4th reactors at the Cernavoda nuclear power plant was considered unfeasible by the majority of European investors that were initially involved in the project – GDF Suez, Iberdrola, CEZ and RWE – and later on abandoned it. Taking into account developments around the two reactors currently under construction in Europe, Olkiluoto (Finland) and Flamanville (France), where both construction time and costs have more than doubled, we’re of the opinion that the Romanian project, with years of delays already and an increase in cost from 4 to 6.4 billion euro, has no relevance with current economic realities. Civil society, concerned by the risks of nuclear power, constantly monitors developments in this sector, especially deviations from European Community law, whether it’s illegal state aid or lack of compliance with environmental obligations.

Our government is not yet prepared to follow some of the global and European actions, especially when it comes to addressing climate change. Still, an overwhelming body of evidence from the scientific community is unequivocal about the need to keep at least two-thirds of known fossil fuel reserves in the ground in order to limit rising global temperatures below the agreed goal of two degrees Celsius[2].

For instance, the Nordic states (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden) have joined the United States in ending public financing for new coal-fired power plants overseas, except in rare circumstances[3].

The United States recently updated guidelines on its position towards coal projects in multilateral development banks.[4] Among the new features of the policy is an Emissions Performance Standard of 500 g CO2/kWh meaning that any coal plants outside of the poorest countries will be required to have operational Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) as part of the project. Considering that CCS is not commercially available this is tantamount to a declaration of halting lending for new coal outside of the poorest countries.

In November this year, the United Kingdom has decided to apply its emissions performance standard to cut carbon emissions at old power plants as well, which will determine earlier shutdowns of the pollutant installations[5].

At the UNFCCC conference last week, the United Kingdom announced it joins the United States in agreeing to end support for public financing of new coal-fired power plants overseas, except in rare circumstances in which the poorest countries have no feasible alternative. The two governments will work together to secure the support of other countries and Multilateral Development Banks to adopt similar policies.

This year, the European Investment Bank introduced policies that practically prevent financing for the construction of coal power plants (an emissions performance standard of 550 gCO2/kWh) as well as instruments to assess projects that take into account climate change beyond what current market failures dictate (shadow carbon price).

The World Bank adopted a new energy strategy this year that limits the financing of coal-fired power plants to “rare circumstances,” as it seeks to address the impact of climate change.

To conclude, we would like to ask you to treat the Memorandums of Understanding proposed by the Romanian Government lightly and instead ensure that the Chinese business community uses its technology leadership to support cleaner initiatives instead of nuclear and coal projects in our country and region.



[1]  We do not unreservedly advocate for the development of solar, wind and hydro projects in any conditions, as any industrial development can have negative social and environmental impacts. In our country (as well as in Bulgaria) a generous subsidy scheme for the development of renewable energy projects without adequate strategic planning has had its negative record, with cascades of small hydro plants destroying rivers, solar installations taking valuable agricultural land, wind turbines being built near or within natural protected areas. We believe there are ways for produce energy while limiting social and environmental impacts, while there is a large potential to decrease energy waste.

[2] More recently, at the UNFCCC Conference of the Parties last week, a group of 27 leading climate scientists indicated that there were 3.8 trillion tonnes (1 tonne = 1.102 tons) of carbon dioxide trapped in the world’s fossil reserves, about 60 percent of it in coal.
They said 1 trillion tonnes would suffice to push the post-industrial temperature rise past 2 degrees Celsius, set by governments as a ceiling to avoid rising sea levels as well as worsening heatwaves, droughts and floods.

[3] Joint Statement by Kingdom of Denmark, Republic of Finland, Republic of Iceland, Kingdom of Norway, Kingdom of Sweden, and the United States of America, September 2013:

[4] Guidance for U.S. Positions on MDBs Engaging with Developing Countries on Coal-Fired Power Generation, October 2013:

[5] House of Lords votes to bring old coal power stations under new regulations, November 2013:

CCPI 2014

Romania ocupa locul 16 in Indexul de Performanta in Schimbari Climatice

CCPI 2014Varsovia, Bucuresti, 18.11.2013

Romania ocupa locul 16 din 58 intr-un clasament al statelor din perspectiva masurilor luate impotriva schimbarilor climatice. Indexul de Performanta in Schimbari Climatice 2014 (CCPI 2014) a fost lansat astazi de Germanwatch si Reteaua de Actiune pentru Clima – Europa (CAN Europe) in cadrul Conferintei Naţiunilor Unite privind schimbarile climatice – COP 19 de la Varsovia, Polonia.

Potrivit CCPI 2014, tara noastra se plaseaza in clasament pe o pozitie mai buna decat in anii trecuti (18 in 2013, 28 in 2012), insa acest lucru se datoreaza si regresului inregistrat de alte state.

Dintre cei 15 indicatori evaluati, cel mai bun scor a fost obtinut la capitolul ”Tendinte in Eficienta”, unde se evalueaza structura si eficienta sistemului energetic si a mixului energetic, unde Romania s-a clasat pe pozitia a 4-a, la fel ca anul anterior. La polul opus, cel mai prost rezultat inregistrat a fost la capitolul ”Politici Climatice Nationale”, unde ocupam locul 42. O alta ”bila neagra” este indicatorul”Emisii provenite din Transportul Rutier”, unde Romania se situeaza tot pe locul 42.

CCPI 2014 a evaluat si ordonat 58 de state, analizand nivelul de emisii si politicile nationale in domeniile conexe. Cele 58 de state sunt, impreuna, responsabile pentru peste 90% din emisiile de CO2 generate la nivel global. Indexul este realizat anual si masoara performantele statelor lumii in ceea ce priveste masurile luate pentru reducerea emisiilor si combaterea schimbarilor climatice.

Danemarca, in topul statelor cu performante climatice

Rezultatele arata ca emisiile de gaze cu efect de sera din lume au atins un nou nivel maxim si nicio tara nu face eforturi sustinute pentru a proteja clima, chiar daca s-a inregistrat o incetinire usoara a ritmului de crestere a nivelului global de emisii.

Primele 3 pozitii ale Indexului au ramas si anul acesta neocupate, din cauza absentei unor masuri ambitioase care sa opreasca cresterea temperaturii globale la pragul de 2 grade Celsius. Danemarca si-a mentinut locul 4 in clasament, fiind in situatia exceptionala de a-si fi imbunatatit toti indicatorii fata de anul precedent. Marea Britanie ocupa locul 5 in clasament (fata de 10, anul anterior), gratie unei reduceri de emisii de 15% in ultimii cinci ani si a imbunatatirii eficientei energetice, iar Portugalia se situeaza pe locul 6 (fata de 7, anul anterior).

”Cel mai recent raport al Programului Naţiunilor Unite pentru Mediu (UNEP) arata ca politicile actuale ale statelor lumii nu sunt suficient de ambitioase pentru a mentine ritmul cresterii emisiilor sub pragul de 2 grade Celsius” – Wendel Trio, directorul Retelei de Actiune pentru Clima Europa (CAN Europa).

Australia si Japonia, dezinteresate de protectia climei

”Uniunea Europeana si statele membre, desi sunt pozitionate in topul clasamentului, trebuie sa-si respecte angajamentele si sa se asigure ca vor fi adoptate tinte mai ambitioase dupa anul 2020. O astfel de abordare va putea determina statele lumii sa actioneze, in pofida politicilor nocive ale Australiei si Japoniei”, Wendel Trio.

Canada si Australia au luat cele mai slabe masuri de a-si reduce emisiile, desi sunt printre cele mai emitente state industrualizate. Dupa schimbarile la nivelul Guvernului, situatia politicilor climatice din Australia s-a inrautatit fata de anii precedenti, statul ajungand de pe locul 51 pe 57. Canada nu arata nicio intentie de a-si ameliora politicile si a stagnat pe locul 58. Numai Iran (59), Kazakhstan (60) si Arabia Saudita (61) stau mai prost in clasament.

Pentru prima oara, Germania a iesit din primele zece pozitii, ajungand de pe locul 8 pe 19, fiind unul dintre marii pierzatori ai Indexului. Motivul principal este evaluarea negativa a politicilor germane realizata de expertii nationali. In acelasi timp, situatia tarii care gazduieste Conferinţa Naţiunilor Unite privind schimbarile climatice, Polonia, este una dintre cele mai proaste din UE. Polonia a urcat o pozitie ajungand pe locul 45 datorita unui usor trend pozitiv privind energia din surse regenerabile.

Cei mai mari emitenti la nivel mondial – China  si SUA – se pozitioneaza in jumatatea inferioara a clasamentului.

Climate Change Performance Index 2014 este disponibil pe site-ul Germanwatch.

Aflati mai multe despre pozitia ocupata de Romania in CCPI 2013 si CCPI 2012.

Despre CCPI
Indexul de Performanta in Schimbari Climatice este un instrument creat pentru a creste transparenta in privinta politicilor climatice internationale. Scopul sau este sa puna presiune politica si sociala pe statele care au esuat, pana in prezent, sa ia masuri ambitioase pentru protejarea climei. Indexul evalueaza performanta in protejarea climei a 58 de state care sunt responsabile, impreuna, pentru peste 90% din emisiile de CO2 asociate sectorului energetic.